A Laundry Hostage situation…
Our travels take us south as we leave Bourges. The next stop has to be somewhere with good internet signal as we’re keen to stream the Rugby World Cup final, so we’re looking for...
Our travels take us south as we leave Bourges. The next stop has to be somewhere with good internet signal as we’re keen to stream the Rugby World Cup final, so we’re looking for...
As we leave The Netherlands behind, the weather perks up slightly. We move into Belgium where we visit Namur, a city on a river-crossing with one of the biggest citadels we’ve ever seen! It’s...
The ‘Dutch Highlands’ are on the itinerary during this tour as I want to prove to Stuart that the Netherlands isn’t flat as a pancake. Well, Highlands may be a bit of an exaggeration...
Now that Stuart is back from his very brief trip back to Blighty, we’re ready to start the second half of our tour of the Netherlands. Next stop; Arnhem, to walk in the footsteps...
France is the perfect country for motorhome touring! The facilities are second to none and there are ‘Aires de Camping-Car’ just about everywhere, as well as campsites and many wonderful ‘France Passion‘ locations. For...
After our Portuguese love affair and with time starting to run out on this trip, we decided that we would like to spend a bit more time in France on our way back. There...
People often ask us what it is like to spend so much time together and to live together in such a small space. Do we not get on each other’s nerves? Isn’t it a...
With so many places to visit, so many things to see and do, and a serious ‘Fear of Missing Out’ on some amazing places, we are constantly driven to keep moving, to keep travelling...
Nothing could’ve prepared us for the change we would see as soon as we passed Gibraltar and Algeciras. The landscape got greener and greener, the mountains changed into rolling hills, wind-turbines everywhere. The coast...
Some questions that we get asked the most are: “Do you plan or book ahead?” “Do you stay on campsites?” “How do you find your stops?” So we thought we’d share a little bit...