Tagged: home is where you park it

Learning Series part 2 – Slow Down…

With so many places to visit, so many things to see and do, and a serious ‘Fear of Missing Out’ on some amazing places, we are constantly driven to keep moving, to keep travelling...

Costa Del Luz

Nothing could’ve prepared us for the change we would see as soon as we passed Gibraltar and Algeciras. The landscape got greener and greener, the mountains changed into rolling hills, wind-turbines everywhere. The coast...

Learning Series Part 1 – Comfort Zone

So what is it like to be on the road, travelling, for a long time. Well, obviously it’s amazing. You get to see lots of cool stuff, meet new people and experience different cultures…...

Family time on the Costa del Sol

As January drew to an end, we found ourselves settling in on the Costa del Sol, on camping La Buganvilla, just outside Marbella. Stuart, the lucky devil, was getting ready for a trip (a...

Where have you been?

One of the main reasons for us writing this blog and documenting our travels on social media, apart from recording the memories for ourselves, is to inspire you, our followers / readers / occasional...

Arabian Nights and Andalusian Adventures

We have left the coast behind for adventures further inland. We’re not sure yet if this is a good idea in January as it could be very cold, but we think it’s worth it!...

En Route to Valencia

Our journey continues into Valenciana after one last Catalonian stop in St Jordi d’Alfama, an absolutely stunning yet desolate place. There is really nothing here, but some new roads as a foundation for a...

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