Tagged: motorhome travel

A Romantic Love Story

We’ve fallen in love… Seriously in love… It was love at first sight as well. Here follows a very romantic love story. It all started as we crossed the bridge into Portugal. We were...

Learning Series part 2 – Slow Down…

With so many places to visit, so many things to see and do, and a serious ‘Fear of Missing Out’ on some amazing places, we are constantly driven to keep moving, to keep travelling...

Feliz Año Nuevo, Happy New year!

Happy new year and all the best wishes for 2019 from us here at Flip-flop HQ! We hope the new year will be everything you want it to be! For us, the year started...

Whistle stop visit in France

Every time we come to France, we’re hit by the same thing; how big this country is! We like to look at the map and plan how long it might take to get somewhere....

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