First Season Done!!
The end of our season is here at last! Our first season as Holiday Site Assistants for the Camping & Caravanning Club(C&CC) at Canterbury Club Site is over. And what a season it’s been!!...
The end of our season is here at last! Our first season as Holiday Site Assistants for the Camping & Caravanning Club(C&CC) at Canterbury Club Site is over. And what a season it’s been!!...
It’s time to hot-foot it to Devizes! We can’t wait to see the campsite and the town, meet the managers and explore the area now that we now we’re going to be based there...
September is an exciting time for Holiday Site Assistants for the Camping & Caravanning Club. It’s the time of year when, all things being well, the contracts for the next summer season are announced....
It’s not everyday you get to start a new job, something unlike anything you’ve ever done before, with your partner. Yet here we are, doing just that. We’re all set up, settling in, and...