Tagged: france

A Laundry Hostage situation…

Our travels take us south as we leave Bourges. The next stop has to be somewhere with good internet signal as we’re keen to stream the Rugby World Cup final, so we’re looking for...

A meander along the Maas

As we leave The Netherlands behind, the weather perks up slightly. We move into Belgium where we visit Namur, a city on a river-crossing with one of the biggest citadels we’ve ever seen! It’s...

Whistle stop visit in France

Every time we come to France, we’re hit by the same thing; how big this country is! We like to look at the map and plan how long it might take to get somewhere....


Today we join the community of Cépie for their Remembrance service, as we pay our respects at the village memorial. Every year, we remember, and not just on Remembrance Day either. For us, it...

New adventures beckon…

This morning we woke up in France! Oh yes, we did! At last! It may only have been at the Cité Europe, right outside the Tunnel on the French side, but it’s still France...

The last few stops before home.

For a few years, I’ve been seeing lovely pictures of people having a great time on their travels in Honfleur and I’ve been keen to visit there. Now that we’re finally travelling along the...

A European Tour

Long before Rex, we had planned to go on a tour of France in Seabert, but as Seabert struggled through the winter, we decided that an upgrade would be sensible, and we got Rex...

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