Tagged: go outdoors

En Route to Valencia

Our journey continues into Valenciana after one last Catalonian stop in St Jordi d’Alfama, an absolutely stunning yet desolate place. There is really nothing here, but some new roads as a foundation for a...

Catalonian Travels

For the last two weeks we’ve been making our way down the Mediterranean coast of Spain,  stopping at quite a few places along the way, having a great time exploring. We’ve seen a few lovely...

One year of Vanlife!

Wow, how time flies! It’s been a year to the day that we moved into Rex. It doesn’t feel that long but a lot has happened in a year and we’ve learnt a few...

Viva España

On Monday, we finally arrive in Spain. It feels like the trip we’ve been waiting for, that has been the goal for about 2 years, has finally started. We are very excited! It’s warm,...

Whistle stop visit in France

Every time we come to France, we’re hit by the same thing; how big this country is! We like to look at the map and plan how long it might take to get somewhere....

Looking forward…

It’s time to hot-foot it to Devizes! We can’t wait to see the campsite and the town, meet the managers and explore the area now that we now we’re going to be based there...


Now that we have a T5 camper again for our weekend trips, we’re keen to get out and about so we go on a  mini adventure to a pub stop in Rye, by the...

How did that go..?

1 Month on the road, how did that go? It wasn’t all plain sailing; there was A LOT OF MUD, tricky bits, good friends and beautiful places.

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