A great big Thank You
We’ve achieved a lot in the last year, to get to where we are today. Unsurprisingly, we didn’t do it on our own and we had plenty of help along the way. So here is a post to say a big Thank You to all the superstars that have helped us, whether big or small, with encouragement, moral support and cups of tea or practical help.
Firstly a massive thank you to our wonderful parents for their support and help: Rob and Mary for their DIY to make the house look its best and for their ongoing support, storage, and use of the washing machine. And to Nico and Herma for their help in clearing the house, cleaning and driving all the way from the Netherlands to pick stuff up to keep in storage.
Another big thank you to Nicola and Steve for their hospitality in letting us stay at the house, and for Christmas as well.
A big thank you to friends who have helped in various ways; signatures, references, kind words, help clearing the house, social visits, caring, collecting tons of stuff, cups of tea, encouragement and support! The list here is too long really but a few stand out:
Thank you Anna and Martin, Charlotte and Jason, Karen and Noel, Julia and Manfred, Charlotte and Matt, Jo and Phil! We love you all and couldn’t have got to where we are without you! Thank you very much!
Ps the photo is of a lovely thank you card I was given today by the lovely Roisin at work and it was perfect for this post.