The Big Clear Out begins
We’re back from our break in the Netherlands and the Big Clear Out has started. For several weeks, we’ve been agreeing to sell furniture, lighting and other bits and bobs to people, and yesterday the first lot of stuff has been collected, with more to be collected next weekend.
I had thought it might be a bit sad to see things go, but so far it hasn’t really affected me. I’m starting to think that the thought of things going is worse than things actually going. I think this will be put to the test next weekend when all our bedroom furniture will go.
We’ve agreed to sell most large items of furniture now, and we’re arranging for people to collect things and so far no one has let us down. Hopefully, it will continue like this but there are one or two that I’m not sure will come through. Fingers crossed it will all go ok.
I’m hoping to tackle a big part of my wardrobe tonight. Clothes, shoes, handbags… Going from a huge wardrobe to a capsule wardrobe will not be easy.
Stuart has started clearing through one loft (the smaller, more organised one), and he’s starting to feel the pressure of a 3-week house clearance on top of a full-time job and we’re both studying as well, with coursework due. Good thing we like a challenge!
One of the best things about what we’re doing is the huge amount of support and help we’re being offered. It makes you realise how many wonderful people we know. Several friends have offered us their spare rooms while we work out our notice. They’ve also offered to store some of our stuff we might want to keep. And they’ve offered to help with shifting and clearing stuff. In three weeks time, we might well be taking them up on their offer! My parents are also coming over for our last weekend of ‘bricks and mortar’ dwellers. They will help clear up and clean up the house, and they will take some stuff back to Holland to keep safe.
It once again shows how very lucky we are!