Life is what happens while you’re busy making other plans. I know, I’ve said it before, but it’s true once again.
We recently received news that we should finally be able to exchange on the property in Brixham. We’ve been waiting for this for so long now, it was welcome news. We started making plans for the refurbishment work; buy paint, book plumbers, electricians and letting agents.
We also made plans to pick up our DIY stuff from Portsmouth which would be a nice opportunity to catch up with friends and family in Portsmouth, and we’re both very excited to see people again and share stories of our adventures and find out what’s been happening at home.
The day for exchange came and went, and still nothing… It didn’t look like the chain was going to complete, so we decided to take back control and start looking at other properties.
Now we’re back to square one on the property front… First world problems. It’s not all bad though, as we don’t have to refurbish a house now so we can finally get to the continent.
Rex is going for his service, habitation check and fiat works next week as it’s nearly his first birthday, and once that’s done, we shall hopefully be on our way to Europe – planning for a quick visit to Holland followed by a few weeks in the South of France before we head to Canterbury to start our summer jobs. Let’s see if life will throw us any more curveballs, or if we get to enjoy the spring sunshine for a few weeks.
Sounds very sensible and a touch of adventure on the way. Enjoy the curveball.
Enjoy your time in Europe look forward to reading about yours and lunar adventures.xx