Life is what happens while you’re busy making other plans. I know, I’ve said it before, but it’s true once again. We recently received news that we should finally be able to exchange on...
Life is what happens while you’re busy making other plans. I know, I’ve said it before, but it’s true once again. We recently received news that we should finally be able to exchange on...
In the end, the big day came slightly sooner than expected, on New Year’s Eve. We were house-sitting for friends, looking after 8 sheep and a ram, a job which got cut short due...
Our last day at work is looming, and with it our last payday for a while…now there’s a scary thought! Of course, we’ve decided to live with less, but actually taking that step and...
We’re energised and inspired this week to try to follow our dreams about changing our lives. What it comes down to is that we would love to leave the ‘rat race’ and live a...
Our trips out in the van always inspire dreams of far-flung travels, living the vanlife full-time, or just completely giving our lives a different focus. And the same is true again this week, following...