Category: New way of life

Caution, vanlife may cause mental health

We live busy lives together. Hubster commutes to London every day (much admiration for him), and I have a busy job locally (at last, after 12 years of commuting various places). Apart from that,...

VDub food

To stay with the topic of food and cooking a little longer, one of the busiest threads I see on forums are about recipes and cooking methods. So there’s clearly plenty to say about...

VDub Cooking

Food is pretty much always on my mind… No point denying it, I’m a food-aholic… Quite possibly, I should see someone about that. When camping, food becomes even more interesting because you can be...

Our VDub Dog

It seems that often a campervan is just not complete without a VDub Dog! And we’re no different. Our VDub Dog is Luna, who’s been with us for three years now, and we just...

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