Brighton Breeze 2015
Our next adventure was Brighton Breeze, early in October 2015. We had taken the Friday off work so that we could drive to Epsom and get set up. It was a beautiful day, so we were really lucky!
We got set up, had a yummy dinner, and got the fire ready for the evening. At this point we were still using a little Trangia meths burner, which we used to boil rice or pasta and heat up a sauce we made at home earlier. It was simple but we loved every minute of it!
That evening we had a lovely time at Epsom, with the fire keeping us warm, and we made our first VDub friends, who we’ve kept in touch with since, and we meet them on VDub trips.
The next morning was an early start to get ready for the drive to Brighton. We all left in convoy, but unfortunately, our new VDub friends had van-trouble (drive shaft, nothing minor…) and they couldn’t make it to Brighton. They had to go back up north on the back of a lorry… Sad times.
We carried on to Brighton, and really enjoyed our day parked up at Madeira Drive. We loved seeing all the vans, and we had a nice walk around Brighton too. We even had our photo taken which later appeared in the T4/T5 magazine.
That evening, we enjoyed the band at the race course but we were missing our new pals. We had a good night, and the next day we ventured back into Brighton before heading back home.
We hadn’t made many changes to the van by this point. We managed to bring a fully functioning airbed, and we added the bonnet bra.