Monthly Archive: December 2016

The 2017 VW Calendar

At the turn of the year, it’s time to look ahead to plan the new year’s VW events with Seabert. The past year has been amazing, with lots of great trips (see just about...

Pub Camping

It was a grey, wet and miserable day last Saturday, but we decided to go camping… Not quite in the same way as we do in summer, but still, we packed up the van...

Wintry Witterings

Last Sunday, Seabert took us to the beautiful Witterings for a wintry walk along the beach. It was a stunning, sunny, crisp day. One of those perfect winter days, very cold, clear blue skies...

Royal Oak Langstone

After our lovely visit to Santa in a Camper at Mount Noddy RSPCA, we decided to explore some local places which we’ve long known about but somehow never visited, whilst enjoying a nice drive...

Santa in a Camper

Last week, the South Coast Dubs group shared details of a charity event in aid of the Mount Noddy RSPCA centre near Chichester. It would be an opportunity to takes dogs and children to...

Van travels

December madness is descending upon us, and along with it busy weekends and the 12 days of Christmas, or is that the 48 days of Christmas? In any case, it’s a time for family...

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