Tagged: VW

VDub Cooking

Food is pretty much always on my mind… No point denying it, I’m a food-aholic… Quite possibly, I should see someone about that. When camping, food becomes even more interesting because you can be...

Keeping the T4 on the road…

This post has been sat languishing in my drafts for a while, but today is the right day for it. A reminder that it really all is worth it… Since we bought the van,...

A weekend off vanlife? Nope!

Following weeks of being out an about at the weekend, mostly with the van but also a weekend in London, it was time for a weekend at home… I know… Crazy right!? We had a...

Beach Buggin’ 2016

Following Bug Jam 30! it was time for a smaller, quieter show which required almost no travel at all. It was time for Beach Buggin’ 2016!! It’s a local, one day show on the...

Bug Jam 30!!

The hubster has been excited about this one for months and months! And finally the weekend was here; Bug Jam 30!!! I’d heard a lot of stories about this festival, and I was getting...

South Coast Dubs

One of our local VW clubs is South Coast Dubs which covers a large area on the south coast, for VW enthusiasts and clubs in the area. They organise monthly evening meets, monthly camp-overs...

Camperjam 2016

Finally, it was time for Camperjam! We’d both been looking forward to this big show for a long time. We were joining the Liverpool VW Club for this show, with our friends from Brighton...

Hurst Dub Fest 2016

Soon after our wonderful trip to Port Eynon, it was time for our first festival of the season; Hurst Dub Fest at Hurst View campsite in the New Forest. It’s a show not far...

Exploring the Gower

One of the great things about a long weekend in the Gower is that there are plenty of beaches and coves to explore, either by foot, van or paddleboard. So we did a little...

Port Eynon

Bank holiday weekends are our favourite weekends for camping, for all the obvious reasons! At the end of May, we took advantage by taking Friday off as well, to make a nice 4 day...

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